Caprese salad

Caprese salad

tomato, mozzarella, rocket, pesto genovese, olive oil, almonds, focaccia with herbs

Chef salad with steak

fresh salad mix, pork, chicken and beef filet, cheddar cheese, red beans, peppers, cherry tomatoes, marinated zucchini, tortilla chips, aceto balsamico dressing

Crispy squid salad

fresh salad mix, crispy squid, cucumber, fennel, sun-dried tomatoes, lemon dressing, tartar sauce, bread

Caesar salad

Caesar salad

iceberg and roman salad, chicken breasts, crispy pancetta, cherry tomato, caesar dressing, corn, grana padano, pinoli, croutons

Grilled goat’s cheese salad

grilled goat cheese on a salad of young spinach and mixed green salads, fresh pineapple, wild blueberry dressing, crispy aromatic sage